
ten picture

A picture is a skirt with flowers and leaves, looks like a wedding, every girl

dreams he can wear a beautiful wedding dress, of course, this is my dream. Two

pictures is a table lamp, made ​​with flowers, white flowers and green stems with

them very beautiful, I also have a lamp like in China. Three are two flowers,

pencil shavings with adhesive on paper with colored pencils to draw the branches,

which spent China called sunflowers, there is a sunny, happy mean. Four leaf paste

with cattle, I was very young, my grandmother domesticated cattle. Five is a skirt

with petal paste, and looks like the party is wearing a skirt. The sixth is a bird

with a paste of the leaves,  Seven petal paste with a scarf, at this time, I would

like tied scarf in China, eight fish paste with leaves, in China there is a cartoon

is this fish. Nine skins with garlic paste flowers, my favorite white flowers. Ten

pencil shavings with adhesive girl, looks very cute.

