
task 2


facial expression

Pleasure describes the broad class of mental states that humans and other animals experience as positive, enjoyable, or worth seeking.

Anger or wrath is an intense emotional response. Often it indicates when one's basic boundaries are violated. Anger may be utilized effectively when utilized to set boundaries or escape from dangerous situations. Describes anger as a normal emotion that involves a strong uncomfortable and emotional response to a perceived provocation. The external expression of anger can be found in facial expressions.

Sorrow is an emotion, feeling, or sentiment. Sorrow 'is more "intense" than sadness it implies a long term state'.

Joy is an emotion in response to a pleasant observation or a remembrance thereof. The reason for a joyful reaction is usually that some expectation or need has been satisfied. Joy is usually expressed as a smile, a laughter or exclamation of joy.
Disgust is an emotional response of revulsion to something considered offensive or unpleasant. In The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, that disgust is a sensation that refers to something revolting. Disgust is experienced primarily in relation to the sense of taste (either perceived or imagined), and secondarily to anything which causes a similar feeling by sense of smell, touch, or vision.
.Zombies – Ryan






5.Master– Zhang







task 1

The First Chapter- Ryan Destroy the Balance

Long ago in China, the world dominated by the three races, namely humans, immortal, demon. Three kinds of ethnic peaceful coexistence. But one day, a man named Ryan zombie destroyed the balance of the Three Realms, he went to the human village, the villagers as food. And set fire to the village.
The Second Chapter- Terry Defeat

Human leader Terry led people to surrender zombies, after several days and nights of fighting, and ultimately human failure in the war, because the zombies Ryan too strong. Zombie Ryan intensified harm innocent, burning villages.

The Third Chapter-Master Zhang

Master Zhang is an immortal, he was good-natured, often to help people, he saw the zombie scourge of town, very angry that he personally came to the village to destroy the zombies, Master Zhang is fairy magic strength, a few rounds down zombies had surrendered. People see the master Zhang  beat zombies are very happy.



week 1.

1.My Argument
Designer is the world's greatest careers, their daily life from the subtle to see different things, and to use more whimsy to the transformation of products which make it more practical, to make our lives better. But in the design process, there will be the presence of such a design: With designer out of something, but in real life it is far from the expected useful so big. It is a world of innovation, this is beyond doubt. With the continuous improvement of people's sense of innovation, thought more open, acceptance is also growing, so there have been some design ideas. While these innovations out of the product may seem like science, in fact, true to life, but did not achieve the desired results.

Argument : Practicality or Aesthetics what is more important in design

There are Some Examples

Example 1

Fliz Pedal Car
Because it does not seat, nor pedal with the gear, only the frame and the seat belt, the mode of operation is to use the pedals. The problem is where to put the pedal after the finish? This bike just from the aesthetic point of view, streamlined body with yellow gives the feeling of youthful vigorbeautiful fashion. But from the usability point of view is not so good.
This Design Problem
*         When people ride the Fliz Pedal Car, feet can not be placed, compared with the traditional bicycle, the bicycle power system design problem, not by pedals only generate power, but by human. People riding the bicycle will be tired, and has security risks.
*         This bike is only suitable for downhill, when people encounter uphill, this bike can not be used. This bike is functional too single.

The Design Highlights
*         The bicycle design unique, many young people like to try new products, this bike is a good choice. Compared with the traditional bicycle, the bicycle appeared on the streets will attract popular, not perfect only bright colors and sleek design good, a combination of aesthetics and bicycle
*         This bike for downhill, therefore suitable for people who love extreme sports.
According to the above description, the comprehensive score (out of 10)


Through this value (3-7 = -4) can prove that the product design is more biased in favor of Aesthetics.
Example 2

Have to admit that as a Speaker, this style is very distinctive style, avant-garde. But this is only the body without the head speaker at home may be frightened children. Design style is very unique, but practicality is not good, Because most people can not accept such a strange style.

This Design Problem
*         The most widely-used type of speaker today is the dynamic speaker, invented in 1925 by Edward W. Kellogg and Chester W. Rice. The dynamic speaker operates on the same basic principle as a dynamic microphone, but in reverse, to produce sound from an electrical signal. When an alternating current electrical audio signal input is applied through the voice coil, a coil of wire suspended in a circular gap between the poles of a permanent magnet, the coil is forced to move rapidly back and forth due to Faraday's law of induction, which causes a diaphragm (usually conically shaped) attached to the coil to move back and forth, pushing on the air to create sound waves. But this speaker its design is unreasonable, because the area in the positive direction of the acoustic wave propagation circle is the largest most coverage, and this speaker he is oblique angle coverage so little acoustic. The purpose is to sound speaker cover the entire room, and the speaker will only cover part of the sound in a small area. (See Picture 1 )

The left is an ordinary speaker sound wave trajectory, the right is a dog-shaped speaker sonic trajectory, coverage can be seen from the sound waves is not very reasonable this speaker design.
The Design Highlights
*         Avant-garde design, on the living room will attract the attention of the guests, for people who like individuality.

According to the above description, the comprehensive score (out of 10)


Through this value (1-3 = -2) can prove that the product design is not neither function nor aesthetics

Compared Fliz Pedal Car, we can look at this bike

The bike design aesthetics, streamlined body, people feel very simple but not a lack of sense of technology. In terms of functionality, and like a traditional bike, by foot pedal to generate power.

According to the above description, the comprehensive score (out of 10)


Through this value (10-10 =0 can prove that the bike design is very average at practicality and aesthetics.

Compared dog speaker, we can look at this speaker

This speaker design is very beautiful and very reasonable, its shape is rectangular, covering a large area of sonic, and this speaker design is simple, but not the lack of a classic flavor, suitable for business use but also for home.

According to the above description, the comprehensive score (out of 10)


Through this value (9-9 =0 can prove that the speaker design is very average at practicality and aesthetics.

In modern society, with the improvement of social material and cultural living standards. People claim these products are rising. Whether it is the main aspect of the usefulness of the structural performance of the performance, or the appearance of the performance art form, it is to measure the value of the product. designers can design some of the practical and aesthetic products, before the production of products to find some friends to experience the feeling.



The Aesthetic

Find any scrap picture form the magazine or photograph, or any form of capturing image either scan it or using camera. Using Photoshop software you will cut the prominent component and reassemble the image into contemporary art. You are encouraged to experiment as much as possible by using digital media. Remember to use the principle and the element of design. The artwork must carry a message or issues to highlight. Evidence the process and idea development in sketches. Student need to reflect the journey of making in blog.


Aliens came to Earth not peace
Renowned physicist Stephen - Hawking (Stephen Hawking) has warned that human efforts to establish wireless communication with the potential threat to human aliens! If aliens detected signal from us, and the ability to reach Earth, which suggests that the Earth is more advanced alien civilization of mankind than, I think the aliens arrived on Earth as Christopher - Columbus (Christopher Columbus) the first landing on the American continent, our results would not be good to go than the American people.
But how do we know that the first action after the performance of the aliens landed Earth, they are vicious creatures, or vice versa? Shostak said, for this speculation, we do not need to go beyond the Earth will be able to find the answer. Aggressive evolution is a feature of the Earth beings, it will help us achieve and protect resources. While pressure may appear alien and evolution, limited resources in a completely different environment conditions will change their behavior. Shostak said: "I guess any planet in the universe resources are limited."
Element Description

This picture gives the impression that the war, when the alien invasion of Earth must be burning buildings human weapon mankind has not seen. Therefore, the performance of this element alien weapons of mass destruction.

These two image is at the bottom of the plane, I designed a poster in this chart is to highlight the high-tech feel alien spacecraft, the spacecraft are made of metal, alien spaceship general we believe that UFO, this picture looks like UFO.

The image shows a human factory buildings, select this element is because the plant can highlight the development of human industrial civilization, also show the alien invasion of Earth is to plunder the earth's resources, such as plants in the natural gas, oil and the like.

This picture shows the state of people's lives - calm, peaceful, peaceful environment in such an alien invasion of Earth in order to grab the earth's resources, compared with the aliens reckless, human life is so quiet.


I selected 5 pictures, the extraction of 5 elements, the last picture made by PS software