
The Ansoff matrix

This is my The Ansoff matrix, I analyzed Pu'er

Market Penetration

Pu'er tea is rich in nutritional value, beneficial to health, Songcha represents the other side of the body care.

Pu'er tea taste better the longer the storage, the higher the value. You can long-term storage and tea gets better characteristics, which determine the value of a collection and investment

Product Development

1.Implementation of personal or household consumption, and impart strong brand culture.

2.Release Avantgarde tea brand, launched Avantgarde tea brand, the spread of new types of consumer culture and way of life

3.The introduction of public health based brand, spread "Yi Jian" brand green tea health functions

Market Developmen

1.acquaintances, tour guides of Introduction

2. The impact of advertising and selling of travel sites

3 product packaging reflect local cultural promotion gifts, strengthen the selection and professional selling skills of sales staff


Now most of the tea shop want to better survive, an appropriate increase in the number of additional products with sales is a good marketing tool. In many cases this business is relatively easy to prove successful, such as McDonald's, KFC, and so is the use of the sale of the joint, the joint product from a single product to meet sales, greatly improve product sales

1.learn the tea ceremony,how to make tea

2.The promotion of tea culture, tea guide the public

3.Join desserts

4.The promotion of tea culture, tea each language into the room, in the lobby of ink, paper and ink stone into China, so that more people learn Chinese national culture


This is my packaging,Because the previous Pu'er is a large and inconvenient to use, the packaging of the Pu'er cut into small pieces, drink more convenient, convenient for people to carry and easy to drink


this is my moodboard about my tea.It has colour,cultural ,old packing ,material,

new design

We need to design a new program, I chose products are Pu'er

This is my plan

business plan

What is a business plan?
Business plan, company, business or project units in order to achieve the investment financing and other development goals, after the pre-project scientific research, analysis, collection and basic information on the order, according to the specific requirements of a certain format and content and edited a comprehensive display of the company and the current status of the project to investors, potential for future development of written materials. Business Plan is a written description of the comprehensive enterprise involved in the business. It provides details of a company's products and services, production processes, markets and customers, marketing strategy, human resources, organizational structure, the demand for and supply of infrastructure, financing needs, and the use of resources and funds.

Direct purpose is to develop a business plan to find a strategic partner or venture capital funds, its content should be factual, the investment value of the scientific response projects. In general, the large size of the project, the business plan the longer length; if a single business enterprise, you can verbose. Characteristics of a good business plan is: Focus products, dare to compete, full market research, compelling information on, indicating the course of action, showing an excellent team, good financial forecast, excellent plan summary and other points. When applying for financing, a business plan is an essential element, whether the application object is a venture capital or investment or any other sources of credit. Therefore, the business plan should do the complete contents of the will of honest, fact-based, clear structure, easy to understand

The role of business plan
1, A comprehensive understanding of your business
2, To provide information to partners

The main format of the business plan prepared

A) mission statement
B) vision
C) goals and objective


We need to find the five companies, commercial analysis, I chose the coffee product, the following is my analysis

Design Business Strategy

In the broadest sense, “strategy” is a plan for how to achieve a goal. In business, strategy bridges the gap between policy (guidelines governing action) and tactics (a set of techniques). Strategy is what a company develops to differentiate itself from competitors’ actual or predicted moves. It’s complex and it drives every decision a business makes.
Our clients’ business strategies also form the framework for our design strategies. While these are interrelated, they are not the same thing. Design strategy, as a field of theory and practice, refers to the integrated, holistic planning process examining the interplay between design and business strategy. However, for most graphic designers, design strategy simply refers to the conceptual underpinning for their creative work.


There really is no one definition of design strategy, but the goal is to merge business and creative objectives in a meaningful way that moves design beyond just an aesthetic exercise. “When we integrate design processes and design thinking into the larger business goals of our companies or clients, we elevate the concept of design to a strategic tool that businesses can leverage,” says Rob Bynder, creative director and owner of RBD | Robert Bynder Design Inc. in Newberry Park, CA. While inextricably linked, business and design strategies meet different needs. “Business strategy includes financial, product and market objectives, which are best expressed through brand touchpoints, says Greg Mann, partner and creative director at The Fibonacci Design Group LLC in Los Angeles. “Design strategy is the roadmap for the visual and media components that help to build and drive these objectives.”
Design strategy could be described as inventing the language to express your client’s business strategy most clearly. Jamie Koval, president of VSA Partners in Chicago, puts it this way: “Design strategy articulates the parameters and potential of a specific challenge that drive a series of solutions or result. It’s simple, compelling and actionable.” And as with any language, evolution and variation are inevitable and should be accommodated. “Design strategy is a dimensional, multifaceted plan that allows traveling down different paths,” says Volker Dürre, creative director of Dürre Design Inc. in Los Angeles. “We want to include flexibility and the option of organic growth into the agenda right from the start.”



Any design strategy should address the following:
  • Existing problems and ongoing challenges
  • Current benefi ts and successes to be leveraged
  • Unmet client/customer needs
  • Changing client/customer behaviors and attitudes
  • Emerging ideas and trends
  • Opportunities to differentiate
The way these issues are addressed is the essence of the strategy. 


chose 5 poster

First we have to choose five films, in which dye selected as a focus of this semester,
I chose
1.Batman vs Superman
2.The Lobster
4.black swan
5.Paranormal Activity 4
6.the legend of 1900
I chose the legend of 1900, Because I really like this movie, gives people space to think. Next, I need to prepare my poster design

Multimedia Design New Technologies

What is Multimedia Technology?

Multimedia technology applies interactive computer elements, such as graphics, text, video, sound, and animation, to deliver a message. If you have a knack for computer work and are interested in digital media, read on to discover career and education opportunities available in this growing specialty. Schools offering

Multimedia technology refers to interactive, computer-based applications that allow people to communicate ideas and information with digital and print elements. Professionals in the field use computer software to develop and manage online graphics and content. The work that media technology specialists produce is used in various media, such as training programs, web pages, and news sites.

This semester we will study the use of flash to do e-movie poster, the poster so that moving up, the button, and some explanation of the film, I will learn this skill well.