
Who need to experience the culture

1.Who need to experience the culture?
Chinese tradition is created by our ancestors of the Chinese nation, for the Chinese nation to inherit from generation to generation, with distinctive national characteristics, a long history, profound connotation, a fine tradition of culture.

Such as: China's traditional festivals, Chinese characteristics of the various ancient buildings, poetry and painting, the characteristics of the folk arts, traditional Chinese drama, zodiac, four inventions, folk customs and so on.

(2) I think overseas Chinese and teenagers should experience the culture.
a. In the overseas Chinese there is a tradition that, like the first generation of immigrant Chinese ancestors, as far as possible the integrity of the cultural heritage of their hometown transplanted to the settlement. At the same time, as long as the ability to permit, Chinese and overseas Chinese will make every effort to allow their children to receive education, including traditional Chinese culture education. Overseas Chinese children's education is valued, which is a concentrated expression of Chinese culture transplant overseas. Chinese schools have become an important support for Chinese society. In this way they succeeded in retaining their culture. Even in the cracks in the survival, pay-cultural awareness, education, enthusiasm, will not devoid in mind.The awareness of the Chinese overseas Chinese culture is first manifested in the Chinese traditional culture. Most of the early overseas Chinese were merchants and handicraftsmen. The vast majority of the overseas Chinese did not receive formal education, but only through common beliefs, habits and forms of mutual aid. They will often indulge in their familiar past, continue to follow the traditional Chinese festivals and customs, to pursue the traditional code of ethics. So far, many Chinese overseas Chinese material life still retains the traditional Chinese habits, culture and entertainment to retain the Chinese people's hobbies and interests, customs and habits also reflect the traditional mark. In Chinatown and Chinatown, Chinese customs and eating habits are always retained, Chinese, writing Chinese characters, from the external words and deeds, clothing image, to the inner way of thinking, values, no Big change. Many Chinese in the market in strict accordance with the laws of the market, the market rules to run, has made brilliant achievements, but in dealing with interpersonal relationships, but more traditional Chinese ethics to regulate their behavior. They also through a variety of ways and means of descendants of their cultural traditions of words and deeds.
b. Traditional culture plays an important role in the growth of teenagers. For them in the ideological and moral, scientific and cultural, labor skills and physical and psychological aspects of a comprehensive basis for this healthy growth, and even their future study, work and life are extremely important. The face of all children and adolescents, is to face the whole nation, is to focus on improving the overall quality of the whole nation. In this regard, the national education in the forefront of Asia, Japan, Singapore and other countries of the economic take-off and a high degree of modernization is the fact that the living iron. Today, in the great cause of building socialist modernization, under the conditions of the socialist market economy, while carrying on the education of patriotism and socialism to adolescents, we will inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation for 5,000 years. The formation of the next generation  of socialist values with Chinese characteristics, outlook on life and world view, not only has important practical significance, but also has far-reaching strategic significance.

