
mapping mantin

It is my information, I found some maps, some places are icons, pictures that the font is special, 

color and actual local use are similar, such a map is vivid, and allows people suddenly remember


  •  http://www.taopic.com/vector/201305/351933.html  
  •  2013 ,China's tongue ,<http://shijue.me/zone/show_art/510f807a8ddf8743ef000007>
  •  2013, Lhasa hand-drawn map , <http://www.witmart.com>
  •  2013, Shanghai Map, www.home.zhubaijie.com
  •  2014,South China Agricultural University Map,<http://image.haosou.com>

I draw from my school go MANTIN way to see things, this is the beginning of my 

school, that was the way to go MANTIN, and there is a second-hand car sale, 

next to a fruit stand and continue to take the way a crossroads, go 

to the right is a small supermarket, there is a move on KTV and some shops, 

back to school from MANTIN, there are 711 road and shops, on its way there is a 

gas station, on its way is a primary school, Now time to reach the school, 

there is a fruit stand, move and right, this road is the road to go to 


This is my final job add color and images

