

This semester I learned how to do storyboard, learn how to do storyline and

storyboard,storyboard or script of a film, animation, TV series, commercials,

music videos and other visual media, before the actual recording or draw to the

story to illustrate the way a bin composed images, the pictures in a continuous

operation mirror as a unit for decomposition, and marked shipped mirror mode,

the length of time, dialogue, special effects.

A storyboard is a graphic organizer in the form of illustrations or images displayed in 

sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture, animation, motion graphic or 

interactive media sequence. The storyboarding process, in the form it is known today, was 

developed at Walt Disney Productions during the early 1930s, after several years of similar 

processes being in use at Walt Disney and other animation studios.For example:

I did a 2050 mantin changes made storyboard and stoyline, character design,

poster design.

I will work harder in the future to study, to look at some of the information

on the storyboard, drawing some more, but also to learn English, so I can

better communicate with teachers.


task 4

I use flash to show this semester's homework to 
everyone., movie poster, aesthetic , investigation

This assignment is done using flash, this task shows 

all the operations of this semester, I, but my blog 

can not upload this file, I put each page screenshot 

uploaded to the blog, flash I put on CD, had been 

handed over to the lecturer of the module

final research

1.What is 2D Animation

2D animation is the traditional animation method that has existed since the late 1800s. It is one drawing followed by another in a slightly different pose, followed by another in a slightly different pose, on and on for 24 frames a second. The creation of moving pictures in a two-dimensional environment, such as through "traditional"  animation or in computerized animation software. This is done by sequencing consecutive images, or "frames", that simulate motion by each image showing the next in a gradual progression of steps. The eye can be "fooled" into perceiving motion when these consecutive images are shown at a rate of 24 frames per second or faster. Traditionally these were put together in an amazing process where artists drew pencil drawings of every frame of film, then these images were painted onto clear plastic sheets called ‘cels’, and each of the thousands of handrawn and painted cels were photographed one at a time over a hand painted background image and those thousands of images compiled to run as film at 24 frames a second. Today most 2D animation involves using computer software to one degree or another, from just digitally coloring the cels to be photographed in the traditional method, to doing every single element in the computer.

The picture shows 2D animation process

3D Animation : The creation of moving pictures in a three-dimensional digital environment. This is done by sequencing consecutive images, or "frames", that simulate motion by each image showing the next in a gradual progression of steps, filmed by a virtual "camera" and then output to video by a rendering engine. The eye can be "fooled" into perceiving motion when these consecutive images are shown at a rate of 24 frames per second or faster.

2.Character Animation
The art of making an animated figure move like a unique individual; sometimes described as acting through drawings. The animator must "understand how the character's personality and body structure will be reflected in its movements.   

Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Snow White, The Little Mermaid these are 2D animated characters.

3.Evaluation of 2D Animation
*  Advantages
personal style of art can vary more then an anime can. Humor is incorporated more in this. It's also easier to draw, color, and animate. Easier for traditional animators, Simple gestures convey emotion, Art form refined for 80 years.

*  Time Consuming
Animators draw individual frames for each scene. The large numbers of drawings and the photography time required in completing a production consumes schedules and can result in delays. Reliance of a large crew of animators makes it difficult to speed up production as each animator works at a different speed. Traditional animation takes more time compared to computer animation, which uses animation software to speed up the process.
*  Correcting Mistakes
A mistake in traditional animation requires you to repeat the whole drawing instead of deleting and correcting a mistake. The repetition of work can become tiresome and time consuming. Artistic corrections for quality animations are costly, as they demand repetition of an entire task. Repetition of tasks to correct mistakes involves a large crew incurring the production more costs.
*  Costs
Traditional animation requires a numbers of tools and equipment per production. They include drawing tools, tracing tools, and photographic equipment. It also requires a large crew to draw the characters, draw backgrounds and shoot photos of the final images.
*  Lack of a Market
Traditional animation requires the use of a wide range of special artistic tools. Large rooms are required for the entire process, from drawing, tracing to photography, and finally filming. The size of traditional equipment like the rostrum camera demands a lot of space. Production requires large spaces for working and storage. Computer animation relies on software and a number of computer processors to speed up the process.

4. How Animation Works
The Basics
2D drawn animation consists of a series of drawings shot one after another and played
back to give the illusion of movement. This animation can be played back in a number
of ways.
In the form of a flipbook (basically a pile of drawings in sequence, bound together and
flipped with the thumb).
The drawings could be shot on film one drawing at a time with a movie camera and
played back using a cinema projector.
They could be shot on a video camera and played back with a video player.
They could be shot with a video camera attached to a computer and played back on the
same computer using an animation program.
Or they can be scanned into the computer and played back.

Although the flat look of the 2D animations could be an intention of the artist, cel animators experience great difficulties in generating hundreds of thousands drawings with 3D appearance. Although computer assistance for traditional animation is gaining a lot of attention in recent years, the 2D shading problem is far from being completely solved. The goal is still to require minimal user intervention and do not limit the animator’s creative process. Image based methods seem to be a good road to achieve this goal. The present paper presents a method that is the only one in the literature that is genuinely an image-based method, because it works directly from the 2D image and requires no transformation to vectorial space. Animators do not like vectorization because drawing lines are usually modified during this process.

example stop motion animation

This is a motion stop I took 100 photos, and then put the photos into the 

software, you can make motion stop

Stop motion (also known as stop frame) is an animation technique to make a phys

ically manipulated object or persona appear to move on its own. The object is m

oved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the ill

usion of movement when the series of frames is played as a continuous sequence.

Dolls with movable joints or clay figures are often used in stop motion for t

heir ease of repositioning. Stop motion animation using plasticine is called clay 
animation or "clay mation". Not all stop motion requires figures or models; many 
stop motion films can involve using humans, household appliances and other things 
for comedic effect.Stop motion using objects is sometimes referred to as object a



The term "stop motion", related to the animation technique, is often spelled with 
a hyphen, "stop motion". Both orthographical variants, with and without the hyphen

, are correct, but the hyphenated one has, in addition, a second meaning, not r

elated to animation or cinema: "a device for automatically stopping a machine or 
engine when something has gone wrong" (The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary,

 1993 edition) Stop motion is often confused with the time lapse technique, wher

e still photographs of a live surrounding are taken at regular intervals and com

bined into a continuous film. Time lapse is a technique whereby the frequency at 
which film frames are captured is much lower than that used to view the sequenc

e. When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus


12 principles of animation

final research

Wang Bichen
At the moment this era, design development is inseparable from the Internet. Design needs to be synchronized with the times. Internet design provides a fresh idea, a better platform for communication and development. Without the Internet era, the designer thought is limited. Exchange between designer is limited. For a new design concept, in the absence of the Internet is that it is difficult to be accepted quickly, and pop up.

The Argument:

The researcher thinks it is important for design to embrace the social network . The research proves as design tool to imitate design solutions within a community. The research will be demonstrated by different angles. Designer if you want to prove their design can be recognized by the public, is inseparable from the social networks. In contemporary society, the designer only through social networking platforms to the fastest, most clear platform to understand their philosophy is in line with the public's aesthetic.

As a business owner, you need to know: the development on the Web. Such as design, maintenance, content and functionality. Your website graphic design element is considered the first impression on service users. The importance of graphic design in society is to create a first impression of the business.
Due to the rapid growth of social media, consumers are exposed to visual impact more widely. Users through mobile devices to read the information on your favorite favorite sites. Users read the information on the screen, the designers not only play a role in building brand awareness and recognition, but also played a significant role in attracting the attention of customers.

What is the social media ?
Social media, community-based input, interaction, is a collective of content sharing and collaboration dedicated online communication channel. Forum, micro-blog, dedicated Web sites and applications social networking, social bookmarking, social curation, and the wiki is one of the different types of social media.
Web-based platforms, applications, and socially one another term used to describe various techniques that allow people to interact on-line. Some examples of social media sites and applications, contains other sites that have content based, Facebook and YouTube, Twitter and Digg, blogs and on user participation and user-generated content.
Web 1.0
In 1989, Tim burners Lee is a global to create a hypertext space but any of that has been suggested networkaccessible Information will be referenced by a single universal document identifier (UDI). The And the dream behind the web, it was to create a common information space to the people By sharing information, communication . Web 1.0, was Mashi web of mainly read-only. Web 1.0, was static and somewhat unidirectional.
To enterprises can provide a catalog or pamphlet to present their work using a web,
Read them to people, there is a possibility of contact with the company. In fact, catalogs,
Brochure, likewise, was most of the owner of the advertising in newspapers and magazines . Different shapes and employs a shopping cart of the application in the form, e-commerce web site . The Web site contains the low update frequency static HTML page. The main purpose of the web site And publish information for people at any time, it was to establish an online presence. The Web site, it was not interactive, were as actually brochure ware. Visitors of the user International Journal of Web and semantic technology (IJWesT) Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2012 Three Web site, there is a possibility please refer to the site without any impact or contribution, there was a link structure Too weak. Core protocol of the Web 1.0, HTTP, was HTML and URI.

Web 2.0
Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the transition to the Internet Platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for that on the new platform success. Chief of between it may become to build applications that use the network effect, more people: these rules is this We are using them. Web 2.0 also, the wisdom of the Web, of people-centered web, have been known to participate Web, and read and write Web. Read Like writing, the web may be bidirectional. Web 2.0 will be the web The user platform that can leave many controls that are used to web 1.0. In other Words, users of Web 2.0, we have more interaction with the following control. Web 2.0 is not new Version of the web 1.0. Flexible Web design, creative reuse, update, create joint content The change has been facilitated by Web 2.0. It is one of the best features of Web 2.0 It supports collaboration, to help Web 1.0 rather than collective intelligence collection.  In the simplicity of some of the features, we will compare the Web 1.0 and Web 2.0.
Web 3.0
John Markoff of the New York Times as the third generation of the web in 2006, has suggested a web 3.0. The basic idea of ​​web 3.0, is to define the structure data, and to link them in a more effective order Discovery, automation, integration, and to link to reuse across various applications  .Web 3.0 attempts, integration, and then analyze the data from various data sets in order to get the flow of new information. It can be, To improve data management, it supports the accessibility of the mobile Internet, to simulate the creativity, Innovation, to promote the cause of the globalization phenomenon, to increase customer satisfaction, It helps to organize the collaboration of the social web. Web 3.0, is known as the Semantic Web. The Semantic Web, was thought by Tim Berners-Lee The inventor of the World Wide Web. There is a dedicated team of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) system was improved expansion, working on standardization, language, publications and tools Already been developed . Semantic Web is, in there on the web that can be exhibited things approach that the computer can understand. The main important objective of the Semantic Web can be found in the Not only by the machine, the human by the web it is easier to read.
Sina weibo
Sina weibo (http://weibo.com) is released in August 2009 by the Sina company to provide the Twitter micro blogging service classes, which occupies 57% of the total Chinese weibo users, and 87% of the total Chinese weibo activity, is one of the most popular website in China.Sina weibologo as shown.

These sites are designed to exchange learning platform for many designers        will work on its own website, people can focus on these people to learn from each other, for example: a poster of the background color should be what some people think red, some people considered white, such a platform can make our work more perfect, better serve the public

You will lead the user's eye

Graphic design, shape the user behavior. It is towards the important sign up, you can either lead the user's eye, call to action button, or whether his eyes to determine the direction of movement of the different content, highlight the specific area, eye-catching The difference between the techniques such as the use of color and layout, and can make a significant and lost new member visitors. One of the selling points, in the social media site is the size of the community, it should be taken full advantage of every opportunity in order to sign up new members. Optical fiber attention span

In particular, can the amount of information that is generated as the number of contact leads to saturation, users typically, tend to ignore the focus on the bit of the content of only a few seconds, it does not capture their attention immediately contents in the case of large-scale social media network. Here again, graphic design, it can play an important role to draw the user's attention to the type of a particular piece or information. Image is, for example, good layout also, it is possible to emphasize a particular type of update or message by more displayed immediately and can be used to emphasize certain parts of the content. Changing the font and font size as well, you can draw the attention of the reader.

In the space that is competitive, such as social media, strong brand identity, away from the competition to set the site, you can be more aware of it to the user. Branding, which begins with the basic factors, such as logos and brand-related colors set, taking into account such users of the layout associated with the site in the heart, fonts, buttons style etc. There is a case to be included. Major social media sites such as such Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn is a color that is consistent, you can create a layout that can be easily recognized by the simple, has been quite use to this factor.

Social Media Marketing

Potential revenue sources of capital investment and social media sites for marketers, advertising can be an important part of the business plan of the site. Collect the user's attention, also, the success of these advertisements in promoting clicks can be improved through effective graphic design. Prominent through the layout to place these ads, highlighted the position, advertising for each through individual graphic decisions advertising, prominent and well placed advertisements, marketers and site owners You can increase the investment in the volume.

Social media can promote the development of better design. Users to understand and discover products through social networks. The social network is designed to provide a broad platform. Designers can effectively build a brand through the network faster and, social networks can be a designer and timely feedback user comments. As long as designers can attract users, can easily cultivate customer loyalty through social networks. And network design are inseparable. People are increasingly dependent on the network, it also means design and the social networks will be increasingly integrated into people's lives.
The report think social networks should focus more on the fairness of the designer. Network is a huge platform. Designers want a fair show. Network designers need to work on the show on a fair platform.

In the design of social network, first of all, to have social elements, let users can easily create and share information. Secondly, as a platform for learning tailor-made services, social networks to balancing the needs of convenient for users to share knowledge. Again, in order to analyze the user behavior and the current hot spot content, data mining is the necessary function. Finally open API, let the third party sites can share platform of data relationship with users.

modify 10

Sina weibo
Sina weibo (http://weibo.com) is released in August 2009 by the Sina company to provide the Twitter micro blogging service classes, which occupies 57% of the total Chinese weibo users, and 87% of the total Chinese weibo activity, is one of the most popular website in China.Sina weibologo as shown.

These sites are designed to exchange learning platform for many designers        will work on its own website, people can focus on these people to learn from each other, for example: a poster of the background color should be what some people think red, some people considered white, such a platform can make our work more perfect, better serve the public

You will lead the user's eye

Graphic design, shape the user behavior. It is towards the important sign up, you can either lead the user's eye, call to action button, or whether his eyes to determine the direction of movement of the different content, highlight the specific area, eye-catching The difference between the techniques such as the use of color and layout, and can make a significant and lost new member visitors. One of the selling points, in the social media site is the size of the community, it should be taken full advantage of every opportunity in order to sign up new members. Optical fiber attention span

In particular, can the amount of information that is generated as the number of contact leads to saturation, users typically, tend to ignore the focus on the bit of the content of only a few seconds, it does not capture their attention immediately contents in the case of large-scale social media network. Here again, graphic design, it can play an important role to draw the user's attention to the type of a particular piece or information. Image is, for example, good layout also, it is possible to emphasize a particular type of update or message by more displayed immediately and can be used to emphasize certain parts of the content. Changing the font and font size as well, you can draw the attention of the reader.

In the space that is competitive, such as social media, strong brand identity, away from the competition to set the site, you can be more aware of it to the user. Branding, which begins with the basic factors, such as logos and brand-related colors set, taking into account such users of the layout associated with the site in the heart, fonts, buttons style etc. There is a case to be included. Major social media sites such as such Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn is a color that is consistent, you can create a layout that can be easily recognized by the simple, has been quite use to this factor.

Social Media Marketing

Potential revenue sources of capital investment and social media sites for marketers, advertising can be an important part of the business plan of the site. Collect the user's attention, also, the success of these advertisements in promoting clicks can be improved through effective graphic design. Prominent through the layout to place these ads, highlighted the position, advertising for each through individual graphic decisions advertising, prominent and well placed advertisements, marketers and site owners You can increase the investment in the volume.

Social media can promote the development of better design. Users to understand and discover products through social networks. The social network is designed to provide a broad platform. Designers can effectively build a brand through the network faster and, social networks can be a designer and timely feedback user comments. As long as designers can attract users, can easily cultivate customer loyalty through social networks. And network design are inseparable. People are increasingly dependent on the network, it also means design and the social networks will be increasingly integrated into people's lives.
The report think social networks should focus more on the fairness of the designer. Network is a huge platform. Designers want a fair show. Network designers need to work on the show on a fair platform.

In the design of social network, first of all, to have social elements, let users can easily create and share information. Secondly, as a platform for learning tailor-made services, social networks to balancing the needs of convenient for users to share knowledge. Again, in order to analyze the user behavior and the current hot spot content, data mining is the necessary function. Finally open API, let the third party sites can share platform of data relationship with users.

modify 9

What is the social media ?
Social media, community-based input, interaction, is a collective of content sharing and collaboration dedicated online communication channel. Forum, micro-blog, dedicated Web sites and applications social networking, social bookmarking, social curation, and the wiki is one of the different types of social media.
Web-based platforms, applications, and socially one another term used to describe various techniques that allow people to interact on-line. Some examples of social media sites and applications, contains other sites that have content based, Facebook and YouTube, Twitter and Digg, blogs and on user participation and user-generated content.
Web 1.0
In 1989, Tim burners Lee is a global to create a hypertext space but any of that has been suggested networkaccessible Information will be referenced by a single universal document identifier (UDI). The And the dream behind the web, it was to create a common information space to the people By sharing information, communication . Web 1.0, was Mashi web of mainly read-only. Web 1.0, was static and somewhat unidirectional.
To enterprises can provide a catalog or pamphlet to present their work using a web,
Read them to people, there is a possibility of contact with the company. In fact, catalogs,
Brochure, likewise, was most of the owner of the advertising in newspapers and magazines . Different shapes and employs a shopping cart of the application in the form, e-commerce web site . The Web site contains the low update frequency static HTML page. The main purpose of the web site And publish information for people at any time, it was to establish an online presence. The Web site, it was not interactive, were as actually brochure ware. Visitors of the user International Journal of Web and semantic technology (IJWesT) Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2012 Three Web site, there is a possibility please refer to the site without any impact or contribution, there was a link structure Too weak. Core protocol of the Web 1.0, HTTP, was HTML and URI.

Web 2.0
Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the transition to the Internet Platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for that on the new platform success. Chief of between it may become to build applications that use the network effect, more people: these rules is this We are using them. Web 2.0 also, the wisdom of the Web, of people-centered web, have been known to participate Web, and read and write Web. Read Like writing, the web may be bidirectional. Web 2.0 will be the web The user platform that can leave many controls that are used to web 1.0. In other Words, users of Web 2.0, we have more interaction with the following control. Web 2.0 is not new Version of the web 1.0. Flexible Web design, creative reuse, update, create joint content The change has been facilitated by Web 2.0. It is one of the best features of Web 2.0 It supports collaboration, to help Web 1.0 rather than collective intelligence collection.  In the simplicity of some of the features, we will compare the Web 1.0 and Web 2.0.
Web 3.0

John Markoff of the New York Times as the third generation of the web in 2006, has suggested a web 3.0. The basic idea of ​​web 3.0, is to define the structure data, and to link them in a more effective order Discovery, automation, integration, and to link to reuse across various applications  .Web 3.0 attempts, integration, and then analyze the data from various data sets in order to get the flow of new information. It can be, To improve data management, it supports the accessibility of the mobile Internet, to simulate the creativity, Innovation, to promote the cause of the globalization phenomenon, to increase customer satisfaction, It helps to organize the collaboration of the social web. Web 3.0, is known as the Semantic Web. The Semantic Web, was thought by Tim Berners-Lee The inventor of the World Wide Web. There is a dedicated team of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) system was improved expansion, working on standardization, language, publications and tools Already been developed . Semantic Web is, in there on the web that can be exhibited things approach that the computer can understand. The main important objective of the Semantic Web can be found in the Not only by the machine, the human by the web it is easier to read.


Design and the Social Network

Wang Bichen
At the moment this era, design development is inseparable from the Internet. Design needs to be synchronized with the times. Internet design provides a fresh idea, a better platform for communication and development. Without the Internet era, the designer thought is limited. Exchange between designer is limited. For a new design concept, in the absence of the Internet is that it is difficult to be accepted quickly, and pop up.

The Argument:

The researcher thinks it is important for design to embrace the social network . The research proves as design tool to imitate design solutions within a community. The research will be demonstrated by different angles. Designer if you want to prove their design can be recognized by the public, is inseparable from the social networks. In contemporary society, the designer only through social networking platforms to the fastest, most clear platform to understand their philosophy is in line with the public's aesthetic.

As a business owner, you need to know: the development on the Web. Such as design, maintenance, content and functionality. Your website graphic design element is considered the first impression on service users. The importance of graphic design in society is to create a first impression of the business.

Due to the rapid growth of social media, consumers are exposed to visual impact more widely. Users through mobile devices to read the information on your favorite favorite sites. Users read the information on the screen, the designers not only play a role in building brand awareness and recognition, but also played a significant role in attracting the attention of customers.