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 Design and the Social Network

Wang Bichen

In the Internet age, everyone needs to use the network, such as teachers use the Internet to teach students; children use the network to play games, but the most important is that people use the Internet to make friends, using the Internet to exchange knowledge, use the Internet to find a job, that is social networking. The emergence of social networking, so that people can learn the latest developments in society, to know more friends, such as friends of friends, to understand the reach of the usual little knowledge, tips. Send a photo, leaving footprints of youth: You can show their lives.
My Argument:
The research think Social Network is a good thing.Through social media, designers can better understand consumer favorite style, such as the popular color this year is the golden, consumers in Facebook talk about gold color, the designer can design something about golden topic contemporary design, design idea from social networks.
Social networks provide a platform for contemporary design, the design concept or design drawings share a social network, allowing the public to discuss or to speak their minds. Brainstorming, better development contemporary design.

Background Information
   With the development of information technology, the Internet has entered to personalized, interactive participation, virility and social web3.0 era characterized.
   The main characteristic of is the user by browsing web portal passive access to information. Interactive web is more concerned with the user, the user is not only the content of consumers, and creator of the site's content.Web3.0 internet not only requires a sense of belonging, and to do his master.
This report is to research scope of web1.0, web2.0 and web3.0 user and customer experience and issue.

Presented to the user is editing features, the website is the content of the website editor to edit processing, after reading the content of the website provides users. This process is one way of websites to the user behavior, the era ofon behalf of the site for sina, sohu, netease three portals.
Pay more attention to the interaction of the user, the user is not only the consumer site content (browsers), and creator of the site's content. (weibo, tianya, we media) is to strengthen the site and the interaction between the user and content based on users, many functions of the site is built by user participation, has realized the website with the user a two-way communication and participation; Users in the web site in the system with their own data. And completely based on the WEB, all functions can be completed through a browser.
Can facilitate the spirit of the legal supervision communication (example: the real data of the net love, until the legal marriage, etc.).Web3.0 can be involved in industrial activities, and gradually to help individuals, collective, society to create more material.
Master, of course, want to have true identity, must have the form a complete set of rules of the game - you can through the network identity certification. Is it possible to order only have these conditions, engaged in industrial activities.

Facebook (http://www.facebook.com),is a typical online social networking site, on February 4, 2004 online, it is the most initial by Harvard University students Mark Zuckerbery with two roommates together to create a contact for the campus of Harvard University students and alumni website.Facebook launched immediately swept through the Harvard campus, since the September 11, 2006, any user can apply for, enter a valid E-mail address as of September 2012, Facebook use more than 1 billion active users around the world, of which 600 million were mobile phone users, become the world's largest social networking site. Facebook logo as shown,
As a typical SNS site, Facebook provides users with a multitude of functions to realize the online social networking, such as personal space, gifts, market, status, activities, and the third party applications.
On May 24, 2007, Facebook launched application programming interface (API).Through the API; the third party software developers can run application development in Facebook website. This is called the Facebook platform. Development API, third-party developers to the creative and resource, save the cost of development at the same time also received a lot of creative application of the quality; the Facebook brought a wider range of interests, also means that the website into a platform from a single application. After the launch of open platform, Facebook's traffic surges, users also increased significantly.

Facebook in respect of the technical architecture using the classic LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) combination, Facebook technical architecture as the show,

Twitter (http://www.twitter.com), which is a social networking and micro blogging service website, allows users to update not more than 140 characters, these messages are also known as "tweets”. This service is made by Jack Dorsey, founded in March 2006, and in July this year. Twitter is very popular all over the world, according to the Twitter CEO Dick Costolo announced that as of March 2012, Twitter 140 million active users, the users will be published about 340 million tweets every day. At the same time, Twitter will also deal with about 1.6 billion web search requests every day. Twitter has been described as "Internet messaging service". Twitter logo as shown,

Twitter is mainly to provide customers with social and publish a short message function. By different users follow to focus on one another, when follow a Twitter user, the user message will be according to the time sequence of all appeared on his Twitter page. If more than follow the user, so the page will be displayed in chronological order the information users are mixed together.
Twitter as a whole the Ruby - On - the Rails framework, using open source MySQL database to store data, in order to improve the response speed of the user requests, Twitter in a number of ways in a variety of mass use caching technology level. Twittertechnical architecture as the show,

Sina weibo
Sina weibo (http://weibo.com) is released in August 2009 by the Sina company to provide the Twitter micro blogging service classes, which occupies 57% of the total Chinese weibo users, and 87% of the total Chinese weibo activity, is one of the most popular website in China.Sina weibologo as shown,

Sina weibo starts as an entertainment leisure life service for the public information sharing and exchange platform, to start, it is just that mimics the functionality of Twitter, to provide basic weibo Posting and forwarding function, and then because of the difference of Chinese and western culture, gradually develop their own characteristics, meet the needs of Chinese users.
Sina weibo use classic LAMP architecture, using MyISAM as a search engine, at the start of the database using single form of pants pattern, then increase as the number of users, began to split the data.Weibo to add user, open platform, sina weibo will be at the bottom of the encapsulated into basic service, on the basic service platform and application services, at the top is the API, sina weibo all sorts of third-party applications running on API.Sina weibo the architecture as shown,
The report's main content is as follows:
Introduced. This chapter summarizes the research background and the status quo, simply introduced the research purpose of this report and the research question.

Materials.Has carried on the theoretical basis to ", "web and web3.0 explanation.The related theory and technology of social networks and subsequent introduces the related technologies and tools will be used.

Apparatus.Social platform of requirement analysis are also given, on the basis of requirement analysis in our design platform function module, the function module design form the structure of database, the system technical architecture scheme is also given.

Research web1.0, web2.0, web3.0 feature, as well as the impact of Facebook, Twitter and Weibo, and discuss the problems that exist in the reality.

The report summarizes design and social networking sites and give advice.

Web1.0 is the essence of joint, then the nature of the web2.0 is interactive, it lets users more involved in creation, dissemination and sharing of the information goods, and the process is valuable.Web of defect is not demonstrated the value of netizens labor, so 2.0 is very fragile, lack of commercial value.Web2.0 is fragile, pure 2.0 face major challenges in the business model, need to combine with the specific industry will get huge commercial value and business success.Web3.0 is developed on the basis of web2.0 can better reflect the labor value of Internet users, and can realize the value of equilibrium and a way of Internet.
In the design of social network, first of all, to have social elements, let users can easily create and share information.Secondly, as a platform for learning tailor-made services, social networks to balancing the needs of convenient for users to share knowledge.Again, in order to analyze the user behavior and the current hot spot content, data mining is the necessary function.Finally open API, let the third party sites can share platform of data relationship with users.
1.0  Conclusions
With the development of information technology, network is more and more deeply affect people's way of life.web1.0 and web2.0 has become the past, and now is the age of web3.0.When designing and social networks should not only follow the rules of web3.0 your user experience and more detailed requirements, also dare to innovation.

The goal of social network, is to let users and efficient for greater relative value.Operating mainly is to improve the viscosity, the product design to operation into consideration, actually do watch real skills, such as, how to figure out the feeling of true and false friends?How to know what content and the users more relevant friends?How to promote faster reply friends?How fast the reality of friends around a user into his friends?The design of the background, to intelligence, technology content of the hour.
Specific to some small function based on social network products, that is the relationship for king, interactive.Relationship is king; the first thing to consider to the user use this product, what is the relative value can be achieved.

